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ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants

The Northern Illinois Synod’s World Hunger Committee is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for ELCA’s Domestic Hunger Grants.  Awards will be for a three-year cycle, with a maximum award of $10,000 per year, contingent upon fund availability and the completion of annual evaluations.

The primary areas of focus draw on the strengths of communities to identify and address local issues such as: food security, clean water, housing, job access, human rights, policy change, and more.

For those who are familiar with the Domestic Hunger Grants, this year’s process will be the same as last year’s but with additional time for applicants and reviewers. To learn more about the process and how to apply, please visit On the site you will also find a 20-minute webinar that was held on May 2nd, which also explains the process.

For additional questions or assistance with the application please contact Becky Wright at or any other members of the Northern Illinois Synod’s World Hunger committee.

Domestic Hunger Grants Application Timeline 

  • Letter of inquiry form open: May 1–June 16, 2024
  • Letter of inquiry review: June–August 2024
  • Response to the letter of inquiry (decline or accept): by August 23, 2024
  • Invited applicants to complete grant application in ELCA GrantMaker: August–September 2024
  • Review and com municatiobetween ELCA World Hunger staff and grant applicants on proposal: August–October 2024
  • Award notifications shared with applicants: November 2024
  • 2025 Domestic Hunger Grants start date: March 2025